Best choice for 2,000,000 families worldwide
Online English
private tutoring
with the best
native teachers
for kids 3-12 years old
100% professional teachersInteractive classroomConnect with a mobile device
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Fun interactive class vibe
Learn English better with PalFish!
Sensible leveled reading system
A powerful English reading App
Exclusive private tutoring guarantees learning outcome
Exclusive English teachers
Automatically scheduling
Foster the mindset to
think in English
Establish English language
environment to accompany the
child's growth
Make full use of time
on class
Prepare the kids to get
into learning
Authentic Pearson Programs
designed for English
Language Learners
Pearson has published a number of excellent programs for English
Language Learners, including the New Concept English and BIG series.
Well-designed curriculum with a global perspective
PalFish curriculum is professionally designed for 3-12 years old English language learners based on Pearson programs. We refer to CEFR and CYLE metrics and draw correlations from international English curriculum standards, ensuring our content is strong enough to support the improvement of children's language abilities.
Level of
3-8 years old
6-14 years old
10-16 years old
PalFish curricula
Pearson programs
Big Fun 1-3
Big English 3-4
Big English 5-6
PF1-PF3 Kids will be able to speak up under the teachers' instructions.
PF4-PF6 Kids can talk about simple daily-life topics and learn some foreign culture & traditions.
PF7-PF9 Kids can understand specific topics, describe them in English, participate in the discussions and make inferences.
Fun interactive classroom
Each class is 25 minutes, containing dozens of interactive tools. Kids can easily keep high attention to achieve an ideal learning outcome.
Length of class
Concentration level
Responsive star rewards
Scribble as needed
Game-based practices
Smart AR VFX
Our commitment
Certified native English teachers
Full-time admin teachers provide one-on-one services
Worry-free policy. Fast refund.
Data sourced from PalFish and partners' statistics across different periods.Exclusive English teachers-- scheduling subject to emergencies and possible personal matters.Native English teachers- we can provide teachers from other nationalities upon request.
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